
Low Libido Treatment (Arousal Cream)
The compound formula must be made custom in a compounding laboratory and it has a 60 day shelf life since it must be made fresh based on pharmacy compounding guidelines. The medicine is not refundable, since it is a custom prescription medicine.
Our low libido treatment has a good success rate, but is not 100% effective for every patient. It may take a few attempts for the product to work and in some instances the dosing may have to be adjusted by the physician over time.
You will contact us and inform your GP of your medication if you experience any side effects of treatment, if you start new medication or if your medical conditions change during treatment.
The treatment is solely for your own use
You have answered all the above questions accurately and truthfully. You understand our prescribers take your answers in good faith and base their prescribing decisions accordingly, and that incorrect information can be hazardous to your health.