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Orgasms 101: The Health Benefits of Regular Orgasms

The human body is truly miraculous--there are so many processes and thousands of peptides and chemicals flowing through our system at any given time, but have you ever wondered what scientifically is happening behind the scenes when you are having an orgasm? Why is it that you sleep better or feel more relaxed? What about feeling like you aren't as interested in food? Let's take a look at some of the chemical processes happening in the body and what the corresponding benefit is after orgasm.

Feel Good Endorphins & Better Sleep

Serotonin the "happy hormone" is released which improves mood and fights depression. It also helps regulate the bodies sleep and wake schedule and controls your sexual desire.

Libido Boost

Libido is one of those things that is maintained through regular sexual. If you stop having sex your libido drops. One of the reasons for this is the release of testosterone during orgasm which is to help long term maintenance of libido levels. 

Reduced Inflammation 

Reduced inflammation across the body is one benefit of regular orgasms research has shown as a result of oxytocin. It's already well known that stress levels decrease after sex , however research has also shown that oxytocin can reduce blood pressure and help with appetite control. It also has been shown that oxytocin has also been linked to being more social and confident as found in a recent study.

What if you are not in the mood?

Try our low libido treatment or topical viagra for women, our treatment cream can help get you in the mood by increasing blood flow to the clitoris and ease sensitivity providing the necessary boost needed to orgasm.

Check it out to learn more:

She Can Health Team
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  • sexual health
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